Increasing Access to HIV Prevention, Care and Treatment Services for Key Populations in Wakiso/Kampala-Uganda
- Status : Running
- Location :Uganda / East Africa
- Project Started : 2016-06-18
- Project Duration : 5 years
- Target Location : Central Region - Kampala and Wakiso Districts,
Project Goal:
To Improve and strengthen the care and treatment of HIV/AIDS in Uganda with 95-95-95 goal
Main Objective
To expand demand for and access to quality, effective HIV prevention. care, and treatment services for Key Populations
Uganda is still classified as a high burden country with high number of persons living with HIV which has continued to increase. This is a result of continuing spread of HIV, and increased longevity among persons living with HIV. There are 2.4 million Ugandan living with HIV and approximately 240 new infections occurring daily. The key factors driving the epidemic include multiple sexual partners, high levels of mobility and migration, cross-generational sex, transactional sex, low perception of risk, gender inequality and sexual violence, limited demand for HIV prevention services, high mobility, stigma and discrimination etc. KPs are affected by punitive laws, regulations and policies, are stigmatized and marginalized, and are disproportionately affected by HIV with a high prevalence of 7% more than the general population (3.5%). There is need to address individual cases, patterns of violations, structural causes of violations or the general human rights situation, to make the authorities commit to acting on the information provided, including to carrying out their own investigations and to remedying human rights violations or problems. This corrective action strategy requires sensitive and diplomatic intervention in everyday situations a constant discourse and advocacy with key municipal, local, regional and national actors.
In most cases, effective HIV prevention programming KPs requires combination prevention a mix of behavioral, biomedical and structural interventions in order to address the interrelated needs, preferences and challenges of these communities. This project is to support KP members and is designed according to what will work best in the local context. Project is also sensitive to issues of confidentiality and the double stigma that HIV-positive KP members face, from outside or within their communities. It will use Enhanced peer mobilization (EPM) complements peer by engaging previously unidentified KP members for HIV prevention and testing – particularly those who are hard to reach and who may be at high risk of HIV, or HIV positive. The goal is to increase HIV testing uptake and yield; link HIV-positive KP members with treatment and care; and connect HIV-negative KP members with services that will help them remain HIV negative and also re-orient and strengthen public and private partnerships; increase uptake of behavioral change communication and strengthen linkages to care and prevention this will provide a framework for establishing systems to ensure that relevant aspects and aspirations from all these instruments that relate to rights of persons in Uganda to access non-discriminatory services including HTS are realized.
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